Even though computers are capable of functioning for a long time, it doesn't take long for them to lose their usefulness if you like to buy the latest software or play the newest games. When you want to keep up with the newest technology, you have to buy a new computer fairly often, and that leads to a lot of computer waste. Getting rid of old computers is often difficult because you may not know how to go about it. All you may know is you can't throw a computer in the trash because they are dangerous for the environment. Here is some advice on how to recycle your old computer to protect the earth and extend its usefulness.
Get Rid Of Computers While They're Still Useful
If you're like some people, you may push old computers to the back of the closet and let them pile up until you figure out how to get rid of them. The problem with this approach is that the computers become less useful as time passes. If you get rid of an old computer as soon as you get a new one, then the old computer may still have a few years of useful life for someone who doesn't need the latest in technology. Giving or selling an old computer to someone who can use it is a good because it postpones the need to dispose of the computer.
However, you may want to keep your newest old computer in reserve in case your new purchase develops problems. In the same way, you can keep a mouse and keyboard to use with your new computer or to have in reserve in case your mouse quits working in the middle of the night. However, you probably don't need to keep a dozen keyboards and computers, so getting rid of them in a timely manner increases the likelihood someone else can use them.
Look For A Certified Electronics Recycler
Several places offer computer recycling. Your city's sanitation department may have periodic drives to collect old electronic equipment. Electronics stores and office supply stores often have programs where you can drop off old computers at your convenience whether they work or not. A certified electronics recycler is one that recycles the equipment responsibly and doesn't send them to other countries to be taken apart in ways that endanger the environment and people.
Also, a certified recycler usually takes steps to wipe hard drives to protect data. However, you should always wipe your hard drive or remove it before you drop off your computer for recycling. For more information, contact companies in your area that offer computer recycling services.