Starting an e-waste recycling program in your school provides a great opportunity for teaching students about the impact they have on the environment and what they can do to improve the world around them. If you are considering a new initiative for your science curriculum, you may want to consider starting this type of program. Here are a few pointers you can use as you prepare your new e-waste recycling program.

Work With A Local Recycling Plant

Before you begin asking students to bring in old electronics for recycling, contact your local recycling plant. The plant may have special receptacles you can use to collect the items, and the staff can help you to arrange pickup days for e-waste collection. Be sure to ask about how your school can get paid for recycling, as you can use the profits from the program to fund even more educational opportunities in your school.

Have A Contest

Encourage your students to collect electronics, such as old computers and cell phones, from friends and neighbors by holding a contest. Provide daily updates to students via email or on a large dry-erase board in the cafeteria to let them know who is in the lead. As a reward, you can use some of the money your school earns from the recycling program to provide prizes or small scholarships to the top performers.

Hold An Educational Assembly

Some recycling plants offer community outreach and education programs, which can include recycling experts who can speak to your student body. Plan a day for a school assembly, and invite a representative from the recycling plant to speak. You can add visual aids by placing a table on the stage filled with e-waste. This can show students just how quickly these items add up if they are placed in a landfill. Ask the recycling plant if it also has educational materials, such as pamphlets or activity books that you can hand out as part of the assembly.

Host A Recycling Drive

Get the whole community involved by hosting a recycling drive on a Saturday or Sunday. Advertise in the local newspapers and send fliers home with students to spread the word, and make the event fun by offering refreshments to those dropping off items for recycling. If your school budget allows, consider having some promotional items available to pass out as well. These can include t-shirts, rechargeable power banks for phones and computers, or reusable tote bags.

Talk to your students and school administration about setting up an e-waste recycling program, and give your school a way to have a positive impact on the environment.
